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Testing 1,2,3...

by Anonymous

The ACT is the most important test of a student's high school career, but very few even know what ACT stands for. It stands for American College Testing, and it is a standardized test for everyone that aspires to go to college. I believe there are some steps that our school could take to help us be prepared for the most important test of our academic careers. The ACT determines a student’s educational future, and it can lead to financial windfall through scholarships. Therefore, preparation (or lack thereof) can have a great impact on a student’s college aspirations.


A few small changes in scheduling would be beneficial to many students. A program that provides students a dedicated time and place to study for the ACT would help better everyone’s future. This program could offer open study sessions and small groups focused on mastering information needed for the test. Designated instructors (instead of an ACCESS class) could provide more accurate guidance as well. The presence of a teacher would also reduce stress and anxiety produced by studying alone.


Another helpful avenue would be having teachers highlight information that would be on the ACT as they teach their daily lesson plans. Teachers could include test taking strategies along with their course information. Many of our teachers may not even be aware of the importance of teaching the content that’s on the ACT.


Rumor has it that the ACT is easier in the months of June and August when athletes are trying to get into colleges. I believe that RCHS should stress academic excellence as well as athletic importance, so that athletes could take the test in months other that those previously mentioned. Our teachers have a responsibility to prepare us for this test. Our future greatly depends on it. A program of this type (and a #2 pencil) is all we should need to pass with flying colors.


     I have a $1,000 computer in my pocket, but when am I allowed to use it? In classes, we use projectors, ChromeBooks, and SMART boards, but when are we allowed to use the most advanced piece of technology that most of us already own? In this age of information, one of our most valuable resources lies at rest in our bookbags. How can we utilize this gateway to knowledge responsibly?

     In my research, I have detected varying levels of enforcement by teachers towards students' cell phone usage. We as the student body want to respectfully follow the policies in place, but the inconsistency in the enforcement of this particular policy makes it difficult to follow. Obviously, there should be guidelines that apply to all students at all times.

     These important sources of information (cell phones) could be used in various ways. A few examples are: voice recording, note taking, and instant interaction between peers and instructors. More advanced uses could include research and access to other scientific facts and opinions. Additionally, there are various applications (apps) that could be greatly beneficial for students with learning disabilities.

     Obviously, we as high school students cannot be trusted because we do not remember much about the cell phone policy we signed eight months ago. Technology exists that could monitor cell phone usage in schools, and I believe it should be used strictly and effectively. However, let us come together as students, faculty, and administrators and find a common ground for this computer at rest.



Technology At Rest

by Anonymous

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